Yesterday Meets Today: Themes Throughout History
Explore the themes connecting the past, from the ancient all the way to today. Each month we'll examine a new theme, focusing on a different society and time in history each week before bringing the connections together with our own more recent history in the final week of the month. Together we'll discover that the we're more connected to the times and societies of the past than we knew.
Yesterday Meets Today: Themes Throughout History
Emerging Socieities: Ancient Rome
Season 1
Episode 1
Our first theme explores the emergence of societies, starting with Ancient Rome. In this episode we explore what we know about the beginnings of this society including their connection to Ancient Greece, what archaeological evidence remains, and the importance of their founding myth in interpreting the evidence we have prior to written history. The events of the myth may not be real, but there is truth in it and we'll see how it applies both archaeologically and to the Ancient Romans as a society.